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The Importance of Mobile Apps for Businesses

“There’s an app for that.”  How many times have you heard this phrase?
Ever since mobile apps came into the market they took over in almost every category (utilities, productivity, gaming, entertainment, lifestyle, social networking, and news).  It is true that there is an app for everything. In fact, you can plan a whole vacation through mobile apps! From choosing a vacation destination to booking your flight to reserving a restaurant for dinner and reviewing that restaurant afterward, life is simply made easier through apps.

Why would this be important for your business you may ask?  Well, 68% of Americans own a smartphone.  That is more than half the population in the US alone.  That 68% of the population spends around 162 minutes on their smartphone daily!  Which means that by having a smartphone app available for your consumers you can reach a wider audience and generate more profit your business.  Whether it is a product or a service you provide your consumers the benefits of having your own business app can make your business grow exponentially.

Benefits of mobile apps for your business

  • Build & cultivate customer loyalty
    Mobile apps allow business to have a more direct and instant connection with their consumers.  This closeness creates a relationship between your business and the consumer that evolves to brand loyalty.  One clear example is Starbucks.  Through their star point system, they keep their consumers coming back to earn more rewards each time.
  • Reinforce your brand
    When it comes to the top of mind awareness in the consumer’s mind, you want to be number one.   This means that when the consumer thinks of a product or service, your business will be the first they recall.
  • Increase your visibility
    You can increase your visibility by offering promotions and discounts in your app and keeping your consumer engaged.  By doing this you are more likely to reach your consumer in those 162 minutes the average American spends on their mobile device.
  • Increase your accessibility
    Through increased exposure across mobile devices, you are accessible to your consumer anywhere and anytime.  Imagine sending a discount notification, which creates a visit to your app and results in a purchase, all just in a matter of minutes!
  • Connect you with on-the-go consumers
    People always seem to be on the go.  Going to work, going to the gym, going for coffee.  They may not always have access to a computer, but on the go, they always have their smartphone with them.   

Benefits of mobile apps for your customers

  • Easy access to your inventory
    Purchasing a product has never been easier.  Not only can your consumers do it online, but you can format your mobile app to keep their information.  This way they don’t have to fill out their information each time they want to purchase something.
  • Get notifications of special events, launches, etc.
    Notifications remind consumers of what your business has to offer them.  This may not always result in a purchase, but it does result in the top of mind awareness.
  • Have one-touch access to your contact information
    The simpler you make the purchasing process for your consumer the more likely they are to take action.  By having all of your business’ information accessible through the click of a screen you minimize the time they have to spend actually making the purchase.
  • Make fast, seamless appointment scheduling
    If it is a service which you offer, then through your mobile app, the consumer is able to find your phone number, address and even make appointments.  Making appointments has never been easier.

Why a professional mobile app has increased value

In the near future, mobile apps are going to be a standard and fundamental component of any business.  Not only do they make the purchasing process easier and quicker, but they build a lasting relationship with the consumer.  Additionally, they provide another source of advertising and marketing for your business.  For all of these reasons having a well-functioning mobile app, able to handle all the actions and users that your business requires is a must.  Creating an app is not as straightforward as creating a website on your own.  There are different software requirements for different apps and/or different types of smartphones.  The software needed for an iPhone is not the same as the one needed for an Android.   Hiring a professional will not only give you the full functionality that your business needs, but it will give it the style and design that will resonate with your brand. 

Ares Saldaña
Ares Saldaña
Since 2005, I have been helping clients find and develop new systems, products, or solutions that address their business challenges and problems. As the founder of Phidev, a digital marketing agency, and a partner at Audisatt, a data-driven SaaS audit company, I combine technology, data, and design to create and deliver effective and innovative online campaigns and platforms. My passion lies in generating and developing ideas that leverage my expertise in marketing strategy, digital marketing, content development, and product/software development. I also enjoy leading and managing teams that share my vision and values of delivering high-quality and customer-centric results. I am always eager to learn new skills and technologies that can enhance my performance and expand my knowledge.


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